Red Sky Travel Insurance

Read below for policy highlights
Please call Red Sky Travel Insurance at 866-889-7409 with specific questions or read their FAQ.
Policy Highlights
Sun Trip Preserver highlights:
- Up to $100,000 reimbursement for rental costs
- $200 per day ($750 maximum) for expenses related to trip delay such as hotel accommodations
- Up to $25,000 medical expense coverage
- $1000 baggage delay coverage
Sun Trip Preserver covers trip cancellation or interruption due to:
- A named hurricane or other natural disaster
- Uninhabitability of the destination vacation home caused by a natural disaster
- Uninhabitability of your primary residence or your traveling companion’s primary residence caused by natural disaster
- Sickness, injury or death of you, a family member, a traveling companion or a service animal
Sun Trip Preserver also provides:
- Worldwide emergency assistance service
- Emergency roadside assistance service